When you and your family or friends visit Georgian Shores Marina, we want you to feel at home. We offer the largest fully stocked chandlery in Southwestern Ontario. Our facilities provide all of the creature comforts and then some. Right on-site, you’ll also find:
• Factory trained marine technicians and licensed mechanics
• Parts and service for all makes and models, with overnight parts delivery
• A “preferred” insurance work centre
• Mobile repair service and boat transportation throughout Ontario
• Navigational electronics sales, service & installation
• Radar, GPS, and fish finding devices
• A Mercury and Volvo-Penta computer tune-up centre
Have your boat detailed on-site, including cleaning, buffing, and waxing, while you hit the downtown Owen Sound core or head out on the Bruce Trail. Boat maintenance such as painting and hull repairs are also offered for both fiberglass and wooden boats. Complete top manufacturing and repair are available, as well as interior design and custom upholstery work.
We have everything you need to take great care of your craft throughout the boating season and beyond. Just come and enjoy.